

The band program at St. John’s is part of Totino-Grace’s Fine Arts Academy. Band is a pull-out program for students in grades 4-8 run by Mrs. Amy Nelson. Students in fourth grade, and any student who is a new member of the band program, are placed in Beginning Band. Students in grades 5-8 with at least one year of playing experience are placed in Concert Band.

Students may audition to be in Wind Symphony. 

Students also have the option of joining Jazz Band. Students must have at least one year of playing experience and all players (except piano, guitar, and bass) must be members of the St. John’s Concert Band/Wind Symphony to participate.

All band members receive one small group lesson and one large group rehearsal during the week. Stay tuned for the days/times for the 2022-2023 school year.

Students in Beginning Band, Concert Band, Wind Symphony, and Jazz Band perform in the Christmas band concert and the Spring band concert. 

Visit the T-G Fine Arts Academy website for more information about instrument selection, rentals, and/or to register for the band program.

T-G Fine Arts Academy

Amy Nelson
Band Director

Amy Nelson is excited to be back at St. John’s where she subbed the fall of 2018 for 3 months. Since then she has been teaching full time at several Catholic schools. This is her second year with the Totino-Grace Fine Arts Academy. She is dedicated to teaching in the Catholic schools where she is free to share her faith along with her passion for music performance and music education. She has a degree in Music Education from Bethel University. She and her husband Mark have been blessed with six children and a COVID puppy. It is always busy at her house. Besides music she enjoys knitting, making jewelry, and quilting.

Contact Mrs. Nelson

Altar Servers

Starting in 5th grade, students can elect to be an altar server for school and parish masses. Students must attend training.